Professor Wang Guangda Gives an Online Lecture for Teachers and Students of the College’s Arabic Department


On July 16, the College’s Arabic Department invited Professor Wang Guangda, Professor of Shanghai Foreign Studies University and executive director of China Arab Reform and Development Research Center, to hold an online lecture entitled “Development of Arab Disciplines with Chinese Characteristics”, and answered questions on disciplinary construction, student learning, overseas study, postgraduate programs, employment prospects, teacher research and other issues. Prof Dou Tianjiao, head of the Department, presided over the lecture. Lecturers such as Fu Jingjiao, Su Chuting, Huang Haofei and Xiao Juanjuan, as well as all students of the Arabic Department and students interested in Arabic major attended the lecture.

Professor Wang Guangda introduced the concept of discipline in his lecture, and provided valuable experience in building up an Arabic disciplinary research echelon, teaching team, student teaching, regional and national research, etc. The core of the university research team is the talent training system. It is necessary to do research that serves national interests and social development, conduct research and study from the perspective of civilization companion in cross-cultural exchanges and research, and promote the construction and development of Sino-Arab community with a shared future.

Professor Wang Guangda reviewed the history of the construction and development of the Arabic discipline in China, combined with his years of work and learning experience, told the students that as a foreign language learner, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation are the basic skills, while listening and speaking are the most important. A foreign language learner must work hard before he can fully understand Arabic.

Finally, he told young students to cultivate their basic skills, consolidate their foundation, move forward with determination, combine their own interests, and build themselves into a compound Arabic talents who can “master languages, understand cultures, and know the world” on the basis of Nankai’s multi-disciplinary advantage platform.