Alumni Enterprises Donated Medical Supplies for "Anti-epidemic Translation Commando of Nankai University"


On the afternoon of January 13th, the College of Foreign Languages in Nankai University held a donation ceremony of alumni enterprises in 139 Liangzheng Hall. Tianjin Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export and alumni enterprises are concerned about teachers and students of our university and donate medical supplies to the Anti-epidemic Translation Commando of Nankai University.

Mu Xiangwang, Party Secretary, Xiang Yu, Deputy Secretary, Su Jianhua, Chinese Dean of the Brazilian Confucius Institute, Zhao Guoqiang, Director of the College Alumni Affairs Office, and some commandos from the Russian, German, and Italian departments attended the meeting. Ma Hongqi, the Vice President, presided over the ceremony.

Cui Liyue, a representative teacher from the translation commando, Zhang Yawen, a representative student introduced the splendid achievements of 54 teachers and students fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention in the customs of airport, overcoming difficulties to guard the gateway of our country, and working together to fight the epidemic. Cui Liyue first expressed her feeling as a local from Hubei province to see all alumni help and support her hometown, and then shared her thoughts on coordinating, serving, and carrying out missions at the airport as a member of the commando team. On March 21st, when the epidemic was not yet clear, our college quickly responded to the needs of the Tianjin Foreign Affairs Office and assembled a group of language volunteers within 3 hours, from the dean to the young teachers who had been employed for less than a year, from party members of the post-90s generation to students of Post-2000s generation, and all staff are on standby 24 hours a day, demonstrating the mission of people from our college. Up to now, 48 people have been dispatched to the front line of the airport for many times, with a total of 740 hours of work, and the work of entry inquiries, diversion and placement for more than 530 Chinese and foreign passengers', as well as 24-hour online translation services have been completed. The translation commando is the epitome of teachers and students in Nankai University working together and determined to serve the country, whose job is in line with that of medical staff, customs officers, and border inspection personnel who are on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Zhang Yawen said that the donations from alumni are like the warm sunshine in winter, which makes us feel the power of fellows from our college. We were greatly encouraged by the immediate actions of all alumni at the time of the outbreak. On the front line, we guard the gateway of our country and reduce the risk of import cases. In the rear, more alumni are managing to gather much-needed supplies. She claims that we are all making our own contributions to the community of the global anti-epidemic work with our own strength. The spirit of the mission is to fight the epidemic together, and the languages are utilized as a tool to take on the responsibility not only belongs to the translation commando team, but also belongs to all alumni who have contributed to the epidemic. It is believed that with our joint efforts, we will definitely defeat the Covid-19 and usher in spring!

Shi Wu, Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce and Ms. Liu Yu, General Manager of Sike Intelligent Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Zhang Liang, General Manager of Tianjin Maoquan Yusheng Business Information Consulting Co., Ltd., Liu Feng, General Manager of Kangliyuan (Tianjin) Medical Technology Co., Ltd, have delivered speeches one after another and expressed that they were deeply moved by the deeds of the commando. They expressed their high respect for the selfless sacrifice of the teachers and students of the translation commando and they also donated the Fangguan Tea developed by Academician Zhang Boli and the protective masks produced by the company.

 Secretary Mu Xiangwang, on behalf of the college of foreign languages, issued a donation certificate to the chamber of commerce enterprises, and sincerely thanked the chamber of commerce and alumni enterprises for being concerned about teachers and students, and helping the alma mater and our college to fight the epidemic.

After the meeting, Xiang Yu, Deputy Secretary, and Su Jianhua, Chinese Dean of the Brazilian Confucius Institute, had a discussion on the further development of programs such as college-enterprise cooperation, industry-university integration, the establishment of student social practice bases, and student employment assistance.