The Cooperation between Alumni Association of Foreign Language and Literature and Beijing Alumni Association


To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Nankai University, the representatives of both sides have worked together to promote further restructuring in many areas, and would forge ahead to reinforce each other.

In terms of structure, Nankai University Alumni Association in Beijing would invie the core members of alumni association from Beijing be a part of them. In secretary office, a particular individual is arranged to make regular exchanges of information in public activities and affairs between “the two associations”, in ways that help them have easy access to the messages and promote mutual cooperation.

The two associations would plan and organize both brand activities, including the alumni forum for language training and the career development summit for foreign language and Similar forums based on the brand activity of Beijing alumni association --‘’Microtalk‘’.

With a better position in language education, translation services and cultural exchange, Alumni Association for Foreign Language and Literature has stepped forward to hold Alumni-oriented activities , such as professional foreign language training, overseas study and enterprise translation. The endeavour can secure the motivated talents that stand ready to be part of their success story.The cooperation between the two associations would enable alumnus better connect with their school, which is conductive to improve the international reputation and launch the“Double First-Class”initiative of Nankai University.